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(A Surreal Experience and Dream Come True) ![]() |
(An Elderly Isan Couple Reading Their Own Isan NT) ![]() |
(She Was Led to Faith in Christ by Her Aunt, Left) ![]() |
PROGRESSION and ADVANCEMENT of the ISAN NEW TESTAMENT: THE ISAN NEW TESTAMENT (Completed, Printed and Distributed: June 2016):
After decades of hard work--amidst many taxing and tedious delays--Ron and his Isan translation team finished the final verse of the Isan New Testament at 12:10 PM, December 14, 2012, Thailand time. This was followed by a two-year indepth final review, which was completed in December of 2014. "Also, at that juncture, a well-known Bible translation mission organization asked permission to review the Isan New Testament. After doing a spot-check review, they concluded that it met their criterion for Bible translation." Then, after returning home, Ron took a necessary health sabbatical to replace a severely osteoarthritic left hip joint. Due to doctors orders, Ron wasn't able to return to Thailand as soon as he desired. Upon his return in late 2015, Ron and Pastor Pitak did some finishing touches on the Isan New Testament draft. They then prepared proofreading copies of the completed text, which they gave to their proofreading committee consisting of four Isan Christian ladies. After returning to Thailand in the spring of 2016, Ron and Pastor Pitak reviewed the notations or comments in the four proofread copies (1,200 A4-sized pages in total), making any needed adjustments or clarifications to the final draft.
Then came the tedious job of arranging the 500-page Isan New Testament in proper format, with individual headings for each New Testament book. Printing was done in late May, 2016, by a Christian-owned printshop in Bangkok. The printer did a superb job, implementing high-quality imported materials, producing a first edition printing of 10,000 copies at a very reasonable cost. The initial 1,600 copies were trucked overnight (by a Christian-owned trucking firm) to our translation headquarters in Nakhon Phanom province, Northeast Thailand. They arrived just one day before our catered Dedication and Presentation Celebratory Event, held on June 2, 2016. Between 40-50 Isan Christians, pastors, missionaries, and donors were in attendance. It was a great and memorable occasion, albeit surreal for Ron after having spent seemingly endless years of toil to see the task through to completion. Each attendee took packages of Isan New Testaments home as needed for local distribution. A Thai pastor friend volunteered to help oversee the distribution of the remaining Isan New Testaments throughout Thailand's Isan Region.
Since then, we have received numerous positive reports from missionaries, Isan pastors, and Isan Christians alike, including repeated orders for more Isan New Testaments. One lady missionary writes: "A while back, my ministry partner and I met two women while we were sharing the Gospel with and praying for the sick. We prayed for them and gave them a Bible in their own language [an Isan New Testament]. Soon after, they chose to follow Christ!"
THE AUDIO VERSION: (Began Oct 2017—COVID interuption—Completed May 2021)
Bao-Ter Gives Thumbs Up During His Radio Program
After many time-consuming hinderances and setbacks, the narrated version of the Isan New Testament is now completely finished in audio format. A huge and grueling task, my Isan coworker Bao-Tur did a great job with his trained radio voice. It's divided into books and chapters for easy selective listening. Also, to make it more culturally-appropriate-sounding for the listeners, we included native Lao-Isan instrumental music playing softly on a background track. That way, we have two versions in one--with or without the instrumental background music. It will be featured on Bao-Tur's YouTube and Facebook Good News pages. It will also be featured on our Good News website and my God's Word for Isan ministry website: Who all can take advantage of this? Obviously, it must be those who both read and speak the language. That would be the 27 million-plus Isan language speakers of Thailand's Northeastern Region. Also, the Laotian people in Communist Laos, along with Laotian refugees residing in countries around the world. How important is this work? When Christ's Apostles and disciples declared the "Wonderful Works of God" to Jews from aroud the known the world who came to the 50-day Celebration of Pentecost (Acts 2:7-11), each visiting Jewish person heard the Gospel message in their own native-born language--even individual dialects of the local towns from where they hailed.
So that you get a more complete picture, the Isan New Testament isn't just in audio format, but also in both printed and digital format for easy reading access (from which the audio version came). These formats--the Thai script version for Thailand and Lao script version for Laotians--will make the Word of God easily accessible worldwide for reading, listening, and downloading for both Thai-Isan people and Laotian people. Faith comes by hearing, that is, hearing the living Word of God (Romans 10:17)!
THE LAO "SPOKEN" EDITION ADAPTATION (Began In 2019): The Lao New Testament Spoken Edition, featured alongside the Thai-Isan version from which it was derived, can be viewed on the "LaoBible.net" website. They are the same except in a few places where the Lao language uses different terminology.
THE CROSSWIRE BIBLE SOCIETY PROGRAMS (Began in 2020): The CrossWire Bible Society asked permission to adapt both the Thai-Isan and Spoken Lao editions to use with their software programs. Any punctuation anomalies and other minor issues have been worked out to near-perfection working together with one of their Bible publishing technicians. It is being published in numerous formats for online Bible study programs, Smart Phones, as well as Desktop, Laptop and Tablet computer program editions.
THE CENTRAL THAI COLLOQUIAL EDITION (Began In December, 2023): The Central Thai Colloquial New Testament has been requested by numerous Thai and Isan believers. It is derived from the Thai-Isan New Testament using computer technology to produce the initial rough draft. Although the Thai and Isan languages are similar, there are numerous differences that prevent it from being a simple, straightforward process since they use different terminology and expressive nuances that need to be addressed. The final proofreading will be done by a team of native Thai speakers who will be able to spot anything out of the ordinary.
One major reason for doing this is, most all Thai New Testament translations are fraught with erronous readings in key passage. Passage that describe God's Grace and positional truths concerning believer's eternal standing as being "In Christ." The Thai translators, for whatever reason, have turned them into subtle commands, requiring religious works for Salvation. All mistranslated passages are translated correctly in the Isan New Testament, of which the Colloquial Thai version will be the same.
The primary task of every Bible-believing missionary is to master the language and communicate the changeless truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its entirety, clearly and accurately, in the heart language and culture of the target audience. (1 Cor 15:1-8) Including the foundational Creation-to-Redemption account. |
Saving people is never the task of the missionary, nor can it ever be! That's God's department! He alone can save and forgive anyone and everyone of all their sin. This occurs immediately when one responds to the Gospel message by exercising "repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ!" (Acts 20:21) |
The Gospel is for everyone. It's a positive message of help and hope. This message is about Salvation from sin and death, offered fully and freely through the gracious provision of a loving and merciful God. God provides forgiveness from sin fully and freely, as well as deliverance from judgment and eternal death, to everyone who humbly comes to Him in repentant faith. That is, by simply placing one's trust in the Name, Person, and Work of God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Forgiveness of sin and restoration to a right standing with God the Father is received through a simple, heartfelt trust in Jesus Christ as one's own personal Savior. Human effort fails to meet God's righteous standards because doing good things such as being religious or church attendance are powerless to pay ones sin debt. These fall under the category of works or good deeds. However good or well-intended they may be from a human perspective, good deeds cannot buy forgiveness because Eternal Life is a free gift. It has already been paid in full by the shed Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ through His death, burial, and bodily resurrection. Likewise, our good deeds (righteous acts) are like filthy rags in God's holy sight. Isaiah 64:6 says, "We are all unclean things, and all our righteous deeds are like filthy rags." Yet, the good news in Isaiah 53:6 is, "All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, everyone, to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." God's Good News is a message meant for everyone, yet it's only effective or activated for those who embrace its truth by faith. It's about God's loving-kindness in providing the gift of forgiveness for all the sins one has ever committed--sin committed in the past, sin being committed in the present, and future sin not yet committed. This forgiveness is applied to one's account upon one's acceptance of Christ and personal Savior by faith. At that moment, God transforms that person from being a hopelessly lost sinner into one of God's family of redeemed people, called Saints (God's Holy People). The gift is eternal life and a future in Heaven forever. Only God alone can save people! Acts 4:12 states emphatically, "Nor is there Salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." Dr. Lance B. Latham (AKA "Doc Latham"), Founding Director of the AWANA Youth Program, stated in his treatise, Discovering the Gospel, "The Gospel is the Good News. It is not a new set of religious obligations or duties to be performed—new strivings or more agonizings—but rather an announcement of what has been freely and graciously done for us. Therefore, we do not merely declare the 'claims' of the Gospel. We declare a wonderful free offer by God Himself to the lost sinner who believes." |
Embracing a works-oriented personal piety based on self-imposed dos and don'ts is not the same as embracing the Gospel. It's the direct opposite. No matter what you may call it, it's still mere religion. Simply a man-made substitute for the real thing. In other words, relying on or trusting in religious practices or personal performance of moral or religious acts can never save you because it is not the authentic Biblical message which is the gracious Love and Forgiveness of God, personified in the Name, Person, and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ! God the Father reached down vicariously through His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to provide Salvation full and free to an utterly and hopelessly lost humankind. To do so, the Lord Jesus died on the Cross in our place, thereby paying the price for our sins (the Just One for unjust sinners). He then rose bodily from the tomb on the third day, declaring victory over sin and death; therefore justifying every lost sinner who believes before a Righteous and Holy God... transforming that one from a lost sinner to a Saint in God's sight! Salvation is not about humanity's futile attempt to justify themselves by their own efforts. This self-justification is unacceptable to a Righteous and Holy Creator-God, regardless of how virtuous or self-satisfying it may seem to the individual. God, in His loving-kindness, has already provided Salvation as a free gift. All we need to do to receive this wonderful gift is to open our hearts and accept it with humility and gratitude. Thought: Relying on religious practices or personal self-worth to save you is like painting an old car over the underlying dirt and rust. Like a cheap paint job, mere religion cannot cleanse or save you from your sins because, like the "dirt and rust," they still remain underneath! On the contrary, when you receive the Gospel, God forgives and cleanses you from all your sins, past, present, and future... like God freely engifting you with a "brand-new shiny car." |
Concerning Speaking the Language, Ron States: "I chuckle under my breath a little when I get asked whether we speak the language. I assure you that we do. In fact, how could we ever hope to minister effectively if we didn't speak, read and write the Thai language, as well as two regional languages. Mastering both the national, and any local-area language, the culture, and befriending the people we go to reach is an absolute essential for every serious-minded missionary... certainly not just learning the national language, or trying to communicate in English through an interpreter! To say that this required a lot of time and effort would be a gross understatement. Yet, the rewards were great in terms of their accepting us; and, their understanding the life-changing message we brought, i.e., the Good News concerning the sin-bearing Savior of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ. Bottom line: Fluently speaking the heart language of the people one ministers to is absolutely mandatory, because nothing else has the same impact or ability to fully communicate the intended message to the listener's inner being!" |
Ron Adds, Concerning Our Work: "After completing extensive ministerial training and my ordination, Cheryl and I began our church planting ministry to Thailand in 1973. The area of Thailand where we have invested our lives is known as the Northeastern or Isan (E'sahn) Region. Our ministry began by living in a remote rural area where villagers had absolutely no modern conveniences, including only unimproved roads and no electricity. In 1981, we relocated to the provincial capital of Nakhon Phanom where our ministry expanded to include evangelism and church planting reaching into in a wider area. This included pastor-teaching at a struggling city church and training a new pastor until it got back on its feet; and, most importantly, initializing the translation of the New Testament into the Isan language.
"By God's Grace, I finished this long-term project, including performing an indepth edit-review, proofreading, formatting in book format and printing the Isan New Testament in June, 2016. It is now being distributed throughout Thailand's vast Isan Region, which comprises one-third of Thailand's total population and landmass. Today, there are over 25-million Isan-speaking people who never before had the Word of God in their own heart language, apart from the work the Lord has me doing. We are now recording the finished Isan New Testament in a professionally-narrated audio format, being done by a radio announcer who is an Isan Christian man. I also develop and distribute culturally-relevant evangelism and teaching materials in both printed and audio format."
"And [the Angel] saith unto them, Be not frighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified:
The Empty Tomb & The Proclamation That "HE IS RISEN!" Is Still the Good News Today.
He Is Risen; He is not here: behold the place where they laid Him.:" (Mark 16:6)
Bible verses that Speak to: Trusting in; Believing on; or Calling on the Name, Work and Person of the Lord Jesus Christ to be Saved:
"NOTHING IN MY HANDS I BRING, ONLY TO THY CROSS I CLING," needs to be our contrite attitude.
"Motivated by the VISION of God's all-encompassing love for all people, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and in obedience to the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are committed to the PURPOSE of expediting God's eternal, life-giving Word into the hands, hearts, and lives of the over twenty-five million Bibleless Isan people who dwell in Thailand's vast northeastern region, translated faithfully and accurately into their own heart language, following the Byzantine/TR text form.
"Therefore, this website is DEDICATED to providing you, our supporters, with enlightening and relevant information about the Isan people, their background, their culture and religious traditions, their needs, and their current situation, as well as details (FAQs) concerning principles being followed in translating God's Holy Word into their everyday heart language.
"Now, after over twenty years of dedicated work, the Isan New Testament is COMPLETED, checked, reviewed, proofread, and has now been printed (May 28, 2016) by a Christian-owned print shop in Bangkok. A dedication and presentation celebration for the Isan New Testament has taken place (June 2, 2016) in Nakhon Phanom Province--our headquarters--and to that end, it is presently being DELIVERED into the hands and hearts of the Isan masses of Northeast Thailand."
Financial Support Statement: The Mekong (or Isan) Bible Translation Project, i.e., "God'S Word For Isan," operates entirely by faith in God's provision. We also realize that God typically provides for His Work through the generosity of His People—The Body of Christ. This means that all Church planting & Bible translation projects are provided for, both through unsolicited one-time contributions, and especially through monthly gifts from like-minded groups and individuals, who delight to partner with us to see this vital task through to completion. These gifts are channeled through our mission organization's home office: Baptist World Missionary Outreach Ministries (BWMOM), PO Box 3303, Chattanooga, TN 37404. Incidentally, BWMOM is a fully-qualified and registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, faith-based Christian organization. As such, BWMOM is legally authorized to issue tax-deductible receipts for contributions, provided in the form of a year-end statement to each donor. |
Ron and Cheryl Myers, missionaries to Thailand—serving under the auspices of Baptist World Missionary Outreach Ministries—are presently receiving speaking engagement requests for mission conferences, workshops, symposiums, etc. Their goal is to provide enlightening information and communicate the importance of the work they are involved in among the Isan people of Northeast Thailand, and to generate interest. Their hope is to garner interest enough to see the translation ministry through to completion by supplementing the loss of support due to the prolonged economic downturn. Incidentally, at over 23-million in number, Isan is by far the largest remaining people group still without God's Word in their own heart language, apart from the translation work the Myers are doing – now entering the final stages before any printing can be done!
Thinking of having a helping part in this vital ministry?
All gifts are tax deducible and may be sent to the Myers' work through the auspices of:
Baptist World Missionary Outreach Min. * PO Box 3303 * Chattanooga, TN 37404, USAMeanwhile, Ron is redeeming the time by continuing the arduous task of translating the New Testament into the heart language of the Isan people—now over 98% complete. Ron also authors, develops, and produces various other ministry-related media—in both printed and audio formats—creation-evangelism booklets, foundational teaching materials, etc. Ron returns to Thailand regularly on a funds-available basis to check, print and distribute books that have been completed, as well as visit and teach believers. Meanwhile, he also pastor-teaches the Cambodian Bible Fellowship of San Diego. Cheryl teaches English at San Diego Christian College (formerly called Christian Heritage College) and now chairs their Department of Education.
What is "Isan"? The vast Korat Plateau comprises Thailand's Northeastern Region, better known as the Isan (E-sahn) Region. And, the people that dwell there are generally termed "Isan People" or Isanians. Isan is shown in dark green on the above map of Thailand. It is also shown in a rice planting scene in the background photo above. Isan or Northeast Thailand is home to twenty-plus million village-dwelling Buddhist peasant farmers.
The red dot on the outside edge of the Isan region map represents the location of Nakon Panom city—situated on the banks of the Mekong River, bordering Laos. It is the captial of Nakon Panom province, where we lived, ministered, and continue to minister since 1974. A paultry 1-in-10,000 (0.01%) Isan people are truly born-again Christians, much less than the rest of Thailand, which is a meager 1-in-1,000 (0.1%).
Even though most of these spiritually-needy Thai and Isan people have heard the name of Jesus Christ in passing, by and large, they are not the least interested, since their lives revolve around Buddhist thought and practice as their sociocultural worldview, or way of life. Besides that, the overwhelming majority have no clue as to who Jesus Christ really is, and even fewer have ever heard a clear-cut Gospel presentation. Nor have they heard the foundational facts of Creation and the Creator, which is were we must start.
Therefore, this is where we must begin in establishing an effective witness—Origins, i.e., Creation and the Creator. Being of a totally works-based religious background, they cannot readily conceive of Salvation by Grace, as well as who Jesus Christ really is, why He is important, and why they need forgiveness of sin through Him. Otherwise, they misconstrue Christ as being the Westerners "Buddha," a religious seeker who progressed from mere humankind to become a great enlightened teacher of doing good, as the way of escape from this world's sadness and sorrow.
With a predominantly Laotian and Mon-Khmer (pre-Cambodian) heritage, these primitive rice farmers adhere unwaveringly to centuries-old customs, traditions and beliefs, passed down over countless generations from their ancestors—which separates and distinguishes them from their Central Thai cousins. Their standard, every-day, heart language is known as Isan. The Isan language is different from Central or Bangkok Thai—the official language of Thailand&MDAsh;of which the greater majority of Isan dwellers speak very haltingly, if at all. At present, the Isan believers only have the Central Thai Bible, which is often very burdensome to understand correctly, even for Thai Christians, say nothing of the Isan.
The Isan people are a large, conglomerate of people who remain tenaciously resistant to outside influence or change, be it medical, agricultural, sanitation, etc. This means that they have been highly resistant to the Gospel as well, especially not having the Scriptures in their own language. Furthermore, they have not been fully assimilated into mainstream Thai society. Consequently, their unique way-of-life remains much in tact yet today, despite on-going rural development programs.
The Isan rely on centuries-old healing arts, hold to various superstitions, practice spirit appeasement (called Animism), as well as ancestor care and veneration... all mixed in with Buddhism. In what often constitutes a literal hand-to-mouth existence, the Isan depend on a staple diet of glutinous (sticky) rice two-to-three times a day, eaten with hot peppers, garden produce, leaves, salt, and pickled fish. This, along with whatever small amount of frogs, lizards, and bugs they can eke out of their rice fields and surrounding forests, or whatever fish and aquatic creatures they manage to catch from nearby muddy streams. The majority of Isan people still use water buffalo to plow and harrow their rice paddies, use oxen and ox carts, live in primitive dwellings built on upright beams, and sleep on grass mats, usually spread out on bare wooden floors.
UPDATE: As time advances, so does the economic state of the general Isan populace. Long-standing agarian traditions and practices are changing as Water Buffaloes are being exchanged for Japanese-brand garden tractors, used to plow and harrow rice paddies. These are sold on credit in hardware stores, located in district towns and provincial capitals. The locally-owned garden tractors are also replacing teams of oxen, which draw the traditional oxcarts. These changes in implimentation from aminals to small tractors cause a change in banking practices as well. Also, local farmers hire out in small groups to field owners during planting and harvest-time — creating a new labor class, or division of labor subgroup.
Also, as rural development progresses, most villages now enjoy electricity as opposed to pitch torches and kerosene lamps. Village lane-ways are not cement instead of unimproved dirt. Preferred building materials have transitioned from now-scarce hand-sawn forest wood to single-story mortar-covered brick structures. Nevertheless, the afore-mentioned conditions still remain pretty-much unchanged in the more-remote areas. Either way, whether externals change or not, old beliefs and traditions remain pretty-much in tact.
It was to this region and people that Ron and Cheryl first went as pioneer church-planting missionaries in 1973. After a year of Thai language studies in Bangkok, the Myers moved some 500 miles up to Nakon Panom (NKP) province, situated in the far reaches of Thailand's vast Northeast or Isan Region. The date was Summer of 1974. NOTE: See red dot on Thailand map above for location of Nakon Panom (NKP).
Ron and another missionary then conducted an extensive survey of the area on motorcycles, looking for a medium-sized Nyaw village that would invite them in to live. Locating one in the District of Tah-U-Tane, Ron spotted and leased an ideal plot of land on the edge of the village—the owner later being the first to receive Christ. Ron then located and purchased a substantial amount of good used lumber, and set about building their home. The Myers moved into their newly-constructed 36' by 24' cozy little home on the edge of that Nyaw village on Christmas Eve, 1974.
Click on the thumbnail photo at right to view a larger photo of the Myers' home in the remote primitive village of Ban Na Nai where they lived and ministered among the Nyaw people for 8 years. After furlough, they sensed the Lord's leading to move into the provincial capital of Nakon Panom, whereupon another missionary took their place in the village. (Use the "back" key to return to this page.)
Our BanNaNai Home Bird's Eye View (Use the "back" key to return to this page.)
Also, click on the thumbnail photo at right to view a schematic layout of the Myers' village home. There was no electricity in the villages in the 1970s. So, using only hand tools, Ron built their village home from scratch (in six weeks) out of reclaimed hardwood lumber from a razed store in a nearby province. They lived and ministered there for eight years. They then moved into the provincial capital of Nakon Panom to expand their ministry outreach and begin work on the Isan New Testament Bible translation—called God's Word For Isan. (Use the "back" key to return to this page.)
The Myers' time spent in the remote Nyaw village was during the final months of the Vietnam War. Geographically, they were living within a heavily-infested Communist insurgent area, yet God kept them safe. In fact, danger-wise, North Vietnamese and Laotian Communist troops were stationed only six miles away, just across the Mekong River in Laos. There, they continually uttered threats over local radio stations, threatening that they would invade Northeast Thailand at any juncture... saying their advancement would be so decisive and swift, they would be eating lunch on the outskirts of Bangkok.
Yet, the Myers continued to live, minister, and raise their children in that remote Nyaw village, an unreached subgroup of the Thai and Lao-Isan family of languages. Immersing themselves in local-area culture, language and linguistic studies, Ron and Cheryl first began their evangelism and pioneer church-planting ministry among the rural-dwelling Nyaw people in 1975, as well as among other unreached people groups, interspersed throughout the surrounding area. Meanwhile, The Myers' children attended Missionary Kid (MK) school in Chiang Mai, a large city in Northern Thailand, over 1100 kilometers (685 miles) west-by-northwest of Nakon Panom along the northern-most route. The trip took from early morning till mid-evening in the Myers' old but faithful VW Microbus. Their children stayed there in a hospice setting (under the care and tutelage of fellow missionaries, dedicated to the task). Their children returned home to spend a few weeks with their parents, three times a year.
Time was of the essence, as no one could predict what might transpire, or when. With airlift evacuation plans in place, and maintaining a full tank of gas in their old VW Van (and two full 5-gallon Jerry Cans as well), the Myers learned the local language as quickly as possible to be able to communicate the Gospel. As it turned out, the War ended that next year. As The Myers became more fluent in spreading God's Good News in the local vernacular, people listened. One here, one there, people slowly responded to the message and came to faith in Christ. Ron, reflecting back, says the idea for the Isan translation developed out of his teaching ministry as he began to realize the obstacles faced trying to use the Thai Bible to effectively and accurately communicate God's truth to the predominantly Isan-speaking people.
Now, years later, it is clearly evident that God has blessed the Myers' ministry, and that He is using the various Isan Scripture books that have been completed, checked, printed and distributed. (SEE: Endorsements & Testimonials) The Isan New Testament is now completed and in print, along with the book of Genesis and other Old Testament portions necessary for background teaching, starting from Creation and its Creator, to fully comprehend the Gospel message. The potential outreach of the Isan Scriptures is in the tens of millions, and is now beginning to reach across Thailand's borders into Laos and beyond, far beyond the scope of the Myers' original ministry and exciting beyond their fondest imagination.
Numerous missionaries serving in Thailand's Isan region agree that the Isan translation is foundationally strategic and vitally important to successful evangelism and church growth throughout the region. Local Isan and Lao believers attest to its clarity (see endorsements & testimonies page). In a recent development, Wycliffe Bible Translators asked formal permission to use the Isan translation as a source text for their translation teams working among various targeted people-groups in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand. This alone speaks highly of the Isan translation and its potential.
More recently, FEBC Radio (Far Eastern Christian Broadcasting Corporation) has asked permission to incorporate the reading of the Isan Scriptures in their daily Gospel broadcasts into Thailand's Isan region over local-area radio stations, as well as their broadcasts into Laos, stretching beyond the political boundaries of Communism that separates the two countries of Thailand and Laos, and Laos from the Free World. This means that the Isan New Testament (God's Word For Isan) has the potential to reach into every home in both Thailand's Isan region and Laos. We see this as another positive sign of God's endorsement and blessing.
RON WRITES... ![]() Countless generations of Isan people have been born into this world, totally ignorant of their Creator-God and His Love for them, shown through the Lord Jesus Christ. They love their children, yet rear them in a realm of spiritual darkness—the only way they know—passed down from their forebearers. They exist in a sphere of superstition and fear, placating and sacrificing to evil spirits. How do I know this? Because I have lived among them, and have witnessed it first hand, over and over again! They vainly trust in an idolatrous, works-oriented religious system (Buddhism) ... and in the end, they succumb and pass into a Christless eternity, forever lost and without hope. The tragedy is that this is still happening today, even as you read... An even greater tragedy is, there is a solution: God's Word can instantly illuminate their hearts and dispel the darkness, but they don't have it in their own language... yet! Thus, they are without the knowledge of the love and gracious saving power of their Creator God, Jesus Christ, who came in human form, sacrificially shed His Blood and victoriously rose again, conquering death and purchasing forgiveness and Salvation for one and all. That is what this is all about. It is for this purpose that the Mekong (Isan) Bible Translation Project exists, to translate and expedite the Isan scriptures into the hands (and hearts) of the Isan people, where "Christ is not yet named." The scriptures are always foundational in planting strong indigenous churches. JUST THINK FOR A MOMENT, without the Isan translation, Isan pastors cannot say, "Please open your Isan Bibles to. . . " <silence> Why silence? Because presently, there is no such thing as an Isan Bible, only portions and individual New Testament books in print as we translate, check, and distribute them. The good news is that a new era is dawning for the Isan people. We are working diligently to provide God's Word in their own heart language. The Isan New Testament is now over 90% done, with completed books printed and in use. However, more are needed ... and simply put, we could use your help. First of all, you can answer the call of God for laborers by praying, "Here am I Lord, send me." God uses all kinds of people, with all kinds of skills, gifts and abilities to reach those yet remaining without the Gospel. If after yielded and careful consideration you don't feel you are personally "called to go", you can be very effective by getting behind this project with believing prayer and support, if God so leads. Pray and ask the Lord and consider how He would have you make a difference. The ongoing Isan Bible translation project is certainly worthy of your prayerful consideration and partnership. It is being painstakingly done in crystal-clear spoken Isan and the response has been great. The final goal is that God's Word be accurately "reborn" into the Isan language—following the Byzantine/TR/KJ text form—so that the Isan people might be saved and reborn into God's household of faith. As one missionary so aptly stated, "The Isan Language is in their blood." Accordingly, we seek to see the power of Christ's Redeeming Blood released over their hearts and lives through the medium of their own spoken heart language (their chief means of communication), so that they too can correctly understand who Jesus Christ truly is, i.e., their Creator, Redeemer, The Living Eternal Word, The Great I AM — not merely the "foreigner's religion" as they always incorrectly assume. I am absolutely convinced that God is at the center of this Isan Bible translation endeavor! After all, it's only God's Word that is truly all-powerful, especially when accurately reproduced (translated) into the heart language of any people. Bottom line, the Isan people desperately need to have the Scriptures in their own language, so that they may truly understand and draw upon its life-giving power! Therefore, I am totally committed to this task and do not give up, no matter how rough the going gets or how hard the Enemy fights to prevent it from happening — this is front-line spiritual warfare with over twenty-million souls hanging in the balance. If you are interested in learning more about reaching this vast people group, I am available to present the various aspects of this exciting and urgent ministry to your church group or mission conference. Please don't hesitate to E-mail me (click here) for scheduling and a full-color "Spotlight on Isan" brochure containing further information about the Isan people and their needs(cover flap shown on brochure page).
I don't want to sound overly dramatic, or appeal to you on an emotional level, but what if that was your situation today? ...Bibleless? Would that change anything? God has blessed each of us in so many ways. Please pray with us for the Salvation of Isan people, and for the speedy and accurate completion and distribution of the Isan New Testament into their hands and hearts. The task is urgent! Jesus said: "...Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. (John 4:35). The Apostle Paul wrote, "...some have not the knowledge of God, I speak this to your shame." (1Cor 15:34) Also, the Apostle Peter wrote, "The Lord ...is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (2Pet 3:9)
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